SATIN – Sound And Tangible Interfaces for Novel product design Project Nr.: FP6-IST-5-034525 Project start: 01.10.2006 Duration: 36 months |
The SATIN project is a research on a new generation of multimodal and multisensory interfaces, supporting free-hand interaction with virtual shapes. SATIN main goal is to develop a system for 3D shape modification and exploration by means of free hands using the metaphor of “tape sketching” and the metaphor of “bending along curvilinear trajectory” under the control of integrated and fused visual, audio and haptic feedbacks.The project is funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) of the European Union (Contract No. FP6-IST-5-034525), priority IST 2.5.7 Multimodal Interfaces priority. Project coordinator: Prof. Monica Bordegoni Dipartimento di Meccanica – Politecnico di Milano (Italy) Visit SATIN YouTube channel Download the SATIN project final press release: SATIN project press release |